Sunday, March 20, 2011

Showers and a Funeral

On the possitive side. We have Hot Water thanks to Scott Emerson an MK from Liberia days. Scott came for dinner and before we fed him, in the thirty minutes he had before sun down he climbed up on the roof of the house and hooked up the electrical wire so we could have hot water. Now to figure out how to get the solar part working.

A student at ABC contracted Malaria and in less than five days he was dead. I felt so bad for his family, but he's a fortunate guy.

We are up on the news in both Libya and Japan. Mom and I took flowers to the Japanese embassy to express our sorrow. We met both the Ambassador and his Assistant. They had a book for expressing your condolances so mom wrote a message in Japanese and I in english. We were the only two who had come in to show sympathy. I must say Malawi looks better every day when looking at the rest of the world. Thanks for your prayers for us here.

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